
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadan

Tomorrow all muslims would be start on fasting. Happy ramadan to all of you. Jangan lupa puasa, tarawikh, sahur, breakfasting, jangan anyam ketupap dan sewaktu dengannya. Oh, one more thing, bazaar ramadan.. wah, this one sooow lovely- bundle of foods..

i really miss bubur lambuk kampung baru, air bandung, nasi tomato and ayam percik taman ehsan.
*you know what its all about, isn't it?
Other than that, i miss to break fast in kipark, i still remember last year where me and ema slalu pergi after work, bazaar ramadan sri damansara. Dari situ i tahu what is lompat tikam dan ada satu kuih yang sangat sedap dan tak jumpa kat mana2 dah. Kuih dia dalam bekas, ada 2-3 ketul then ada gula merah. sedap sangat, tak tahu nak describe macamana kuih tu. And tak lupa juga Thai based yang sedap jugak. I still remember masa me, lea n julie makan butter chicken kat situ. yummilicious..
Last nite my sis sms me, sis and bro to pick all her stuffs from kinrara to her new house in diamond resident. Yew, when the time she come back from uk, i bley la pi menggedik kat her new house. best2 sangat. Really can't wait to reunited with my 2 lovely nieces plus my sister also pregnant right now. Im so excited.

Other than that, really rasa nak this bag. I've got the blue print wording which is Hong Kong version. Now, i really want the brown wording -uk version. I nak beli lar, pakai time pergi jakarta nanti. Terujanya.


QilahLala said...

hye there..ive got one.. the grey wording :)