
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Adakah wang ringgit lebih berharga dari sebuah persahabatan?

Bila wang ringgit lebih berharga dari sebuah persahabatan...

This entry would a bit hash and serious. Yesterday, one of my bestie asked me to call our schoolmate to invite them to her wedding. She's already sms-ed them and requested for their address. But there's no replied.

Well, I willing to call..

Me: xx, ko dapat tak sms this bride-to-be.. she's told me that dia dah sms-ed u and asked u for the address. ko dapat tak?

xx: Oh ya, i got it. But the invitation sound like menang peraduan gitu. Its sound like this.. u are invited to bla bla bla..

Me: Oh ok, maybe it just like mukadimah before askin you the address kot. Lagipun dia nak pass her wedding card kan. If u nak dengar all those sweet words, u pass out your address and you'll get the card then.

xx: Hmm, i already asked J to send our address to the bride to be.. Aku takda kredit.

Me: Ok, eh nak tak kita jumpa dia somewhere in MidValley ke. Then dia bley bagi the card direct jer. easier rite, bleh small gath terus.

xx: err, takkan la nak kena amik sendiri plak.. takkan kita nak jumpa dia bcoz nak amik wedding card dia. She's supposed to send it to us.

Me: Ok what, sama jer. Kita pun dapat jumpa dia while she's still single. If u tanak takpelah, i suruh dia post to your address. Ok?

xx: Ok, eh hotel provided tak?

Me: If im not mistaken, she's already booked few rooms, but aku really not sure about this, i need to ask her later.

xx: oh, okey.. so petrol/ toll boleh claim ke?

Me: huh? what?..

Dari malam tadi aku fikir pasal this conversation. Kadang-kadang, manusia ni lebih fikirkan wang ringggit dari sebuah persahabatan. Kami bukan kawan biasa2. kami satu geng masa sekolah dulu. Sama-sama susah dan senang. Makan satu pinggan, tidur satu bantal. Dia Bukan kawan biasa2.

Sekarang bila masing2 sudah berkerjaya, semuanya sudah nak berkira, semuanya nak claim. Agaknya, zaman sekarang ni kalau nak jemput orang makan kenduri kita bukan hanya perlu fikir berapa kepala untuk katering, berapa bunga telur.. tetapi kita perlu fikir berapa liter minyak kerana perlu diprovide, berapa toll, hotel mana nak kena book..

Oh, kalau macam tu aku nak wedding aku nanti sangat simple.

* Kad kawin (photostat jer)
* No katering (orang kampung bley masak what)
* No hantarans
* No protocol * aku nak gedik2 amik gambar
* Oh, boleh naik pelamin dengan happy without debt

*** kalau nak datang, datang! tak nak datang sudah! boleh camtu :p


cik puan daun said...

alamak.. kalau kengkawan aku buat perangai mcm gitu.. haru gaks.. siap nak claim minyak and tol.. igt company trip ke? ehehehe..

sabar je la..