
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I love this car- so far

I had silly little fight with thom yesterday. :p

I sms-ed him yesterday

me: I think we need a temporary break, i need more time for my self. I've lots of thing to do this year, i need to register for my part time study middle of 2oo8, kalau tak sampai bila pun i tak sambung study. I need to do A BIG STEP this year. I want that red Saga SE, i hope kereta tu betul2 akan keluar. I heart the car damn much. Plus, i nak achieve something BIG. I rasa my life to PLAIN since i came back from uk.

I called him few times. Hm, dia macam tak kisah as long as benda tu for my future. So, i macam bertekad nak concentrate on mylife lah. But yesterday masa jalan2 cari barang2 hantaran, i call him 2-3 kali. Hmm.. macamana nak stay away lama2. Baru 2-3 jam dah menggelupur cengitu.
Last nite, i minta maaf dengan dia and i confessed that i memang tak bleh away from him. So dia pun dah promise nak bagi i space. Then, oklah tu kan.. Neway, i heart u mr.Thom.


Anonymous said...

kamu beli lah kereta ini..than bawa saya bersiar siar ok!!! hehehe